maxillary occlusal radiographs

Intraoral Radiographic Technique: Maxillary Occlusal Radiographs

I’ve posted before about the specifics for maxillary occlusal radiographs but today I am sharing how-to videos created by the Hygiene Class of 2015. Last weeks post with mandibular occlusal radiograph videos can be found HERE. (Note: these are one take videos meaning no editing allowed after filming) Maxillary Anterior […]

Anatomy Monday: Nasolacrimal Canal

The nasolacrimal duct is most commonly seen on occlusal radiographs specifically the anterior maxillary occlusal radiograph and standard maxillary occlusal radiograph.  It presents as an ovoid radiolucent area with a thin radiopaque border at the lateral edge of the nasal cavity in the region of the molars. If you have […]

Radiographic Technique: Maxillary Occlusal Radiographs 3

This is the first of two posts on occlusal technique.  Below are images I have taken with a very cooperative patient – DXTTR.  The only problem for some of the images is he has no neck so I did the best I could.  😀 Occlusal Technique (general) Occlusal radiographs are […]