3 min read 37

Anatomy on Radiographs: Intraoral Radiographs Part I

I am starting a new series of posts on anatomy on radiographs.  There will be two posts on intraoral radiographs (Part I – anterior and Part II – posterior), one on occlusal radiographs, one on pantomographs and lastly one on skull radiographs (primarily lateral cephalometric skull radiographs). Anatomical radiographic appearances…
1 min read 0

In the News: Bitewings and Meningiomas

A few weeks ago, there was a whirlwind of media attention regarding a study published in Cancer on a correlation between bitewings and meningiomas. This study was on Good Morning America and most major news outlets.  I have the article and was planning to write a review of the study…
2 min read 51

Image shift

This week and next I am going to cover two different techniques with the same outcome – determining the location of an object (known or unknown) visualized on radiograph.  This object could include but is not limited to supernumerary teeth, impacted teeth, foreign objects, etc.  This week will be image…