2 minute video: Tonsiliths on CBCT
Here’s a quick video to help when identifying tonsiliths on cone beam CT. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks and enjoy! 😀
Here’s a quick video to help when identifying tonsiliths on cone beam CT. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks and enjoy! 😀
Being that I realized I need to update (and add) the interpretation pages as many of them don’t have CBCT examples or information. I thought I’d start with something I come across nearly every week – tonsiliths. This week I have two cases of tonsiliths seen on CBCT. Tonsiliths are […]
This week is another CBCT case of calcifications, this time in the tonsils. On CBCT images, these are seen on the axial views lateral to the airway and on coronal views medial to the ramus of the mandible. They are well-defined irregular shaped radiopaque entities. They may be single or […]