2 min read 0

Creating a system for interpreting radiographs

When interpreting radiographs it’s easy to look at the area of concern (most commonly a tooth associated with pain) and forgetting to thoroughly evaluate the entire radiograph.  From a legal standpoint, a dentist is legally responsible for everything captured on a radiograph, not just the teeth.  Many dental practitioners can…
1 min read 2

N is for number (LESION)

Now onto the last letter of LESION, the N for number.  This is identifying the number of radiographic entities present.  If there are multiple entities/lesions note the location of those.  It is important to note that multiple entities on a radiograph do not necessarily mean that they are the same…
2 min read 2

O is for other structures (LESION)

Almost to the end of how to use the acronym LESION with the letter O for other structures.  This is where you describe if the lesion is effecting other structures and how it is effecting those structures.  The three main structures I am going to discuss are the teeth, mandibular…
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I is for internal structure (LESION)

Next is the internal structure of a lesion.  There are only three primary descriptions with this letter.  They are radiolucent, radiopaque and mixed radiolucent/radiopaque. Radiolucent has two subcategories.  The first is unilocular.  This refers to a lesion/entity that is completely radiolucent.  The second is multilocular.  This refers to a lesion/entity…
1 min read 0

S is for shape (LESION)

Now onto the overall shape (S) of a lesion or entity.  First it is important to know that not all lesions/entities will have a definitive shape.  You can state that there is no identifiable shape to the lesion/entity. There are many different shapes in the world, but only a few…