I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted – sorry. 🙁 Life has gotten in the way more than I’d like lately. But enough of that and now onto the goodies. I came across this case of condylar hypoplasia – an underdeveloped condyle – the other day and thought it’d be fun to share.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and enjoy!
Was this an incidental finding, or did pt had symptoms?
Unfortunately I don’t have any history on this case so not sure. Sorry. 🙁
Any expected clinical symptoms associated with this finding?
Not necessarily. Many patients accommodate quite well as this is a developmental anomaly.
Hey ma’m 🙂 .The right condyle is hypo or the left is hypertrophied ? Oops !!
The right condyle is hypoplastic. The left condyle size is within the range of normal.