1 min read 0

Case of the week: Internal Resorption on CBCT

This weeks case is a severe example of internal resorption as seen on cone beam CT.  Internal resorption presents as enlargement of the pulp chamber and/or root canal space. Reconstructed pantomograph (Metal in left  anterior mandible is due to previous reconstruction and mandibular fracture) Cross-sectional view (Note enlarged root canal…
2 min read 2

Case of the week: Third Molar in Maxillary Sinus

This weeks case topic is an interesting finding of a maxillary third molar developing in the maxillary sinus adjacent to a supernumerary tooth on a CBCT scan.  Interpretation: This case shows a mixed radiolucent/radiopaque entity in the right maxillary sinus.  The radiopacity is that of tooth structure.  The appearance is…
4 min read 2

ROC curves in Dentistry

This week I’m focusing on ROC curves in dentistry and the different imaging modalities (primarily film versus digital).  As these numbers can change based on the research being performed and the reviewers of those radiographs, I thought the best way to break this all down is to give a short…
3 min read 0

Cone Beam CT: Caries Interpretation

Today I am going to give a little taste of a very hot topic currently involving cone beam CT and caries interpretation.  While this debate is strongly divided, I would like to add a few thoughts and show what current research has found. Current Research The current research is a…