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Case of the Week: retained deciduous root fragment

This week I am showcasing a frequently seen incidental finding; a retained deciduous root fragment.  A retained deciduous root fragment can be seen monthly in a dental setting.  The most commonly retained tooth is the deciduous second molar.  These root fragments are seen on either the mesial or the distal…
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Case of the Week: Rarefying osteitis

This week I am showing a case of rarefying osteitis, specifically a lateral rarefying osteitis.  Rarefying osteitis is a term describing loss of bone due to inflammation.  When associated with a tooth it applies to three histopathological entities; an abscess, a cyst (radicular), and/or a granuloma.  Any of these three…
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How to Describe Radiographic Lesions

Describing radiographic lesions is the foundation for any radiographic interpretation.  Without being able to properly describe a radiographic lesion or finding you will not be able to form an accurate differential.  When trying to come up with a way for students to recall the important aspects of radiographic description I…
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Case of the Week: Fibrous Scar

This week I am showing off a case of a fibrous scar.  A fibrous scar occurs when an area of bone loss heals with fibrous tissue instead of bone.  This is occasionally seen as most areas heal with bone.  Here is the good example of a fibrous scar.  It is…