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Case of the Week: Hypercementosis

This week is a fun case of hypercementosis at the apex of a molar root.  Note on the distal root of the first molar a radiopaque mass with a thin radiolucent line around it. This shows that the mass is attached to the root surface with the periodontal ligament space…
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Case of the Week: Enamel Pearls

I have to send a big thank you out to Dr. Marc I Semper for sharing this case of enamel pearls with me.  He was also kind enough to share a link to a great overview page about enamel pearls by Marco A Versiani.  Below I’ll let you find the…
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Case of the Week: Mandibular Tori

This week is a more common radiographic finding; mandibular tori. This case is bilateral and dense mandibular tori.  It’s pretty obvious so I’m just going to let you take a look for yourself. 🙂 And here’s another educational video from Dental Class of 2015 students Paul Favela and Ben Winston.…
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Case of the Week: Gemination

This week is a fun case of bilateral gemination.  Gemination presents as an abnormally large tooth where the overall arch count is still 16 (not to be confused with fusion which reduces the arch count to 15).  This case shows gemination bilaterally associated with the mandibular third molars. Here is…
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Case of the Week: Cleft Palate

This week I have a case of an unilateral cleft palate with surgery to close the defect. Cleft palate presents as a vertical linear radiolucent defect in the bone in the maxillary lateral incisor region.  Treatment of bone grafting is shown on this case. Pantomograph showing right unilateral cleft palate…