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Case of the Week: Mesiodens (supernumerary tooth)

This week I have a case of a single supernumerary tooth in the anterior maxilla which may also be referred to as a mesiodens due to its location.  Take a look for it first on the pantomograph (it’s a little trickier to see).  Then compare it to the anterior periapical…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Taurodontism

This week I have a case with multiple areas of taurodontism and another educational video.  Taurodontism is a multi-rooted tooth with an elongated body and shortened roots. This case shows this on the mandibular right third molar and and left second molar. The bitewing radiograph shows the mandibular left second…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Ankylosis (bilateral)

This week I have a fun case of bilateral ankylosis along with an educational video by the Dental Class of 2015.  (Note the location of the primary molars in relation to the plane of occlusion.)  At first glance on the bitewing radiographs, the ankylosis is easily identifiable on the patients…
1 min read 3

Case of the Week: Microdont

This week is a fun case of a microdont third molar. On the bitewing radiograph it’s difficult to see that it’s a smaller than normal sized tooth but the periapical radiograph shows it nicely. If you have any questions or comments on microdonts, please leave a comment or question below.…