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Oral Radiology site of the month: Ohio State University

This month take a look at the Ohio State University College of Dentistry page on caries interpretation.  Caries interpretation is a very challenging thing for students to learn and many still struggle their first few years in practice.  This site goes over the basics of radiographic caries interpretation along with…
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Case of the Week: Pulp stone

This week I have a case of a pulp stone in the root canal space of a maxillary canine.  Pulp stones are incidental findings and do not need treatment.  This case is slightly enlarging the shape of the root canal.  Pulp stones present as a radiopaque entity in either the…
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N is for number (LESION)

Now onto the last letter of LESION, the N for number.  This is identifying the number of radiographic entities present.  If there are multiple entities/lesions note the location of those.  It is important to note that multiple entities on a radiograph do not necessarily mean that they are the same…
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Case of the Week: Mucous retention pseudocyst

This week I have a case of a mucous retention pseudocyst on a pantomograph.  Mucous retention pseudocysts are incidental findings that do not require treatment.  This can occur on any surface of the sinus but is most commonly seen on the floor.  Note the rounded radiopaque dome in the left…
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O is for other structures (LESION)

Almost to the end of how to use the acronym LESION with the letter O for other structures.  This is where you describe if the lesion is effecting other structures and how it is effecting those structures.  The three main structures I am going to discuss are the teeth, mandibular…