Case of the Week: Condylar Hypoplasia

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted – sorry. 🙁 Life has gotten in the way more than I’d like lately.  But enough of that and now onto the goodies. I came across this case of condylar hypoplasia – an underdeveloped condyle – the other day and thought it’d be fun to share.

Pantomograph - note the small right condyle compared to the left condyle.
Pantomograph – note the small right condyle compared to the left condyle.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below and enjoy!

6 thoughts on “Case of the Week: Condylar Hypoplasia

    1. Unfortunately I don’t have any history on this case so not sure. Sorry. 🙁

    1. Not necessarily. Many patients accommodate quite well as this is a developmental anomaly.

    1. The right condyle is hypoplastic. The left condyle size is within the range of normal.

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