Lateral Cephalometric Skull Anatomy – Part V

Today is all about the mandible.

Condyle (black curved dotted line)

Coronoid process (white triangular dotted line)

Mandibular first molar (green oval)

Infradentale (yellow dotted arrow) – Superior facial bone height near the level of the cemento-enamel junction of the mandibular incisors.

B point (white solid arrow) – The posteriormost point between the infradentale and pogonion.

Pogonion (yellow solid arrow) – The most prominent point on the symphysis.

dry skull lateral mandible anatomy with animations

lateral skull anatomy mandible with animationsCondyle (black curved dotted line)

Coronoid process (white triangular dotted line)

Mandibular first molar (green oval)

Infradentale (yellow dotted arrow)

B point (white solid arrow)

Pogonion (yellow solid arrow)

Menton (black dotted arrow)

Angle of the mandible (black solid arrow) lateral cephalometric skull anatomy maxilla

Next post will be the soft tissue anatomy and the final post on lateral cephalometric skull anatomy. Thanks and enjoy!