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New patient radiographic exams

Imagine a new patient is coming to your practice today.  Do you have a preset radiographic exam you give every patient or do you evaluate the patient and determine what radiographs to order? Each office I’ve talked to is a little different in this.  While some offices prefer to order…
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Case of the Week: Abrasion

This week I have a case of toothpick abrasion.  This case was from the patient holding a toothpick between their premolars for large portions of the day. Note the notching between the two maxillary premolars.  I don’t have a time frame of how long this has been going on.  And…
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Creating a system for interpreting radiographs

When interpreting radiographs it’s easy to look at the area of concern (most commonly a tooth associated with pain) and forgetting to thoroughly evaluate the entire radiograph.  From a legal standpoint, a dentist is legally responsible for everything captured on a radiograph, not just the teeth.  Many dental practitioners can…
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Case of the Week: External resorption

This week I wanted to show a common finding on radiographs with many different causes, external resorption. Frequently external resorption is idiopathic; however it can also occur due to an inflammatory process, neoplasm or adjacent teeth.  This case is external resorption due to an impacted third molar, which had been…
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Oral Radiology site of the month: Ohio State University

This month take a look at the Ohio State University College of Dentistry page on caries interpretation.  Caries interpretation is a very challenging thing for students to learn and many still struggle their first few years in practice.  This site goes over the basics of radiographic caries interpretation along with…