Case of the Week: Focal idiopathic osteosclerosis

This week I have a case of focal idiopathic osteosclerosis.  Focal idiopathic osteosclerosis is increased bone deposition within the jaws.  As the name states, it is idiopathic.  This will present as increased radiopacity of bone with loss of trabeculation in the area.  The radiopacity is that of cortical bone.  This is frequently associated with root resorption and is a self-limiting process.  No treatment is necessary.  This case is a large area of focal idiopathic osteosclerosis where the bone surrounding the roots of the posterior teeth is uniformly radiopaque with no trabeculation evident in the area.

For more information and other radiographs of focal idiopathic osteosclerosis check out my page on focal idiopathic osteosclerosis.


This week in the clinic is a weekly series featuring cases I have come across since I started in the dental field.  These cases have been collected from throughout the United States and world.  While the series title is ‘This week in the clinic’, that does not necessarily mean the case was actually seen this week in the clinic.