Case of the Week: Remnant lamina dura

This week I am showing a case of remnant lamina dura.  Lamina dura is the bony socket which houses a tooth in the jaws.  When teeth are extracted the lamina dura is usually resorbed with no evidence of the bony socket after healing.  Sometimes there may be portions of the lamina dura or the entire socket outline still present after healing.  This is an incidental finding and no treatment is necessary.  On a radiograph you will see you a thin radiopaque line with the radiopacity of cortical bone.  The line may or may not be in the outline of roots.  This case shows the remnant lamina dura of the mandibular left first molar (#19).  Click the image to enlarge.

For more information and other radiographs of remnant lamina dura check out my page on remnant lamina dura.
