1 min read 2

Case of the week: Horizontal root fracture

This week I have a case of a horizontal root fracture that is tricky to see on the initial radiograph but when another radiograph was made at a different horizontal angle it becomes clear as night and day. Take a look below. First radiograph, check out the mesial aspect of…
1 min read 0

Case of the week: Mandibular Fracture

This week is a case of a single mandibular fracture.  I don’t have any history as to what caused this, just the radiograph. Note the vertical radiolucent line extending inferior from the mandibular left canine and lateral incisor region. If you  have any questions, please let me know. Thanks and…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Vertical root fracture

This week I have a case of a vertical root fracture where there is no separation of the two segments.  This case shows a radiolucent area on the mesial aspect of the root and at the apex of the same root.  This is sometimes to referred to as a “J”…
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Case of the Week: Vertical root fracture

This week I am showcasing an extreme case of vertical root fracture.  This case had complete separation of the two fragments.  I didn’t put an arrow on this radiograph, but I’m sure you can see where the root is split in two.  As this is an extreme case I recommend…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Remnant lamina dura

This week I am showing a case of remnant lamina dura.  Lamina dura is the bony socket which houses a tooth in the jaws.  When teeth are extracted the lamina dura is usually resorbed with no evidence of the bony socket after healing.  Sometimes there may be portions of the…