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Top posts of 2013

It’s always fun at the end of the year to see which posts are viewed the most. This also helps me figure out what types of future posts to create. So here are the top 5, well actually all of the top 5 were part of a series. 5 –…
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Case of the week: Top cases of 2012

Being that we are at the end of another calendar year, I thought I would bring attention to the top 5 case of the week posts for the year of 2012.  Check them out and if you have any recommendations for cases or thought another case should have been in…
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Top posts and pages of 2012

Here are the top 5 posts and pages of 2012. Posts 5. Anatomy on Intraoral Radiographs Part 2 4. Anatomy on Extraoral Radiographs (Lateral cephalometric skull) 3. Anatomy on Pantomographs Part 1 2. SLOB rule (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) 1. Anatomy on Intraoral Radiographs Part 1 Pages 5. Maxillary Sinuses 4. Widened…