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Case of the Week: External resorption with CBCT view

This week I have a interesting case of severe external resorption as seen on a periapical radiograph as well as a cone beam CT (CBCT) view to show the true extent of the resorption. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks and enjoy!
1 min read 4

Case of the Week: Fusion on CBCT

This week I’m trying something new for the new year – a video of a case of fusion as seen on CBCT.  I came across this case and tried and tried to create 2D screenshots to show the case but they just weren’t working the way I wanted them to.…
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Case of the Week: Oligodontia

This week I have a case of developmentally missing teeth (oligodontia) along with the last educational video in my library (to date). 🙂 This case shows all four second premolars did not develop with retained primary second molars. And for the last of this years educational videos on oligodontia by…
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Case of the Week: Talon Cusp

This week I have a case of a talon cusp so large it’s evident on a pantomograph.  While there is more than one talon cusp evident on this radiograph, it’s the one on the maxillary left lateral incisor that is nearly as big as the crown that’s amazing :).  Note…
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Case of the Week: Hypercementosis

This week is a fun case of hypercementosis at the apex of a molar root.  Note on the distal root of the first molar a radiopaque mass with a thin radiolucent line around it. This shows that the mass is attached to the root surface with the periodontal ligament space…