1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Radicular / Periapical cyst

Now before I get to the actual case I want to make sure that you realize that a radicular/periapical cyst is diagnosed with a histopathological slide and not by radiographs alone.  There are certain features of a radicular/periapical cyst that may cause you to put it higher on a differential…
1 min read 0

Anatomy Monday: Lateral Fossa / Incisive Fossa / Canine Fossa

Today’s anatomy is by request for the lateral fossa also known as the incisive fossa and canine fossa.  The lateral fossa is  depression of the maxilla around the root of the maxillary lateral incisors.  It presents as a diffuse radiolucent area around the root of the lateral incisor. It is…
1 min read 4

Case of the week: Chronic Apical Periodontitis

This week is a follow up to last week with a case of chronic apical periodontitis.  The primary difference of chronic apical periodontitis versus acute apical periodontitis is the presence of sclerotic bone formation.  This sclerotic bone formation (sometimes referred to as sclerosing osteitis) may present in one of three…
2 min read 0

Case of the week: Apical Periodontitis (Apical Rarefying Osteitis)

This week’s case is from a request to see cases of apical periodontitis and chronic apical periodontitis (coming next week).  A good definition I found of apical periodontitis is “a spectrum of diseases that occur around the tooth apex, including periapical granuloma, periapical abscess, and periapical (radicular) cyst” (Scheinfeld MH,…