1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Supernumerary Microdont (Distodens)

This week I have a tooth that falls under two descriptions; a supernumerary tooth and a microdont. 🙂 This little guy was hanging out just coronal to the third molar.  I’ll let you find him yourself. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks and enjoy!
1 min read 4

Case of the week: Developing Distodens (supernumerary teeth)

This week is a neat case showing two distodens developing in the mandible.  Distodens are supernumerary teeth found in the molar region. Note distal to the mandibular left (developing) third molar is another follicle with the enamel evident.  On the patients right side, only the follicle is evident.  No calcified…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Supernumerary teeth and Impaction

This week I have a case of 2 for 1 (two findings on one radiograph). 😀 The first is the impaction of the mandibular molars.  If you look at the patients left, you’ll see the crowns of the two molars appearing as if they are in occlusion in the mandible. …
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Supernumerary tooth (Distodens)

The weeks case is a case of a supernumerary tooth in the molar region.  Supernumerary teeth are frequently identified by the region of which they are found in the patients mouth.  A supernumerary tooth in the anterior portion of a jaw is sometimes referred to as a mesiodens.  A supernumerary…