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Case of the Week: Osteoma Cutis (2D & CBCT)

This week I have a fun case of osteoma cutis on both 2D images and CBCT images. Osteoma cutis is an ossification within the dermis. It presents on 2D radiographs as punctate, round/ovoid, radiopaque entities.  Most of the cases I come across it occurs in multiples.  First is the 2D radiographs…
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Research Roundup: CBCT and Implant Placement

This week I wanted to share the amazing work of one of the dental students of a CAT (Critically Appraised Topic – summary of the best current research on a topic) about CBCT and Implant Placement to prevent critical errors.  Check it out (click on the image to see larger).…
1 min read 4

Case of the Week: Lateral Dentigerous Cyst (CBCT)

This week I have an interesting case of a lateral dentigerous cyst to share.  A lateral dentigerous cyst is a dentigerous cyst that is coming off the lateral aspect of a tooth.  As with a typical dentigerous cyst, you will be looking for an enlargement of the dental follicle surrounding…
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Case of the Week: External resorption with CBCT view

This week I have a interesting case of severe external resorption as seen on a periapical radiograph as well as a cone beam CT (CBCT) view to show the true extent of the resorption. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thanks and enjoy!