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A day to give thanks

Today is Thanksgiving and I wanted to take this chance to mention a few things I’m thankful for. A job that challenges me in the radiographic cases that are presented along with a healthy dose of more common radiographic cases. All those that I’ve connected with through this site and…
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Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology as a Career

At the end of the summer I was asked what career options there are for those who are interested in oral and maxillofacial radiology (oral radiology for short). So here’s a post of the options as an oral and maxillofacial radiologist being that the 14th anniversary of it being accredited…
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Article Review: CBCT (JADA August 2012)

There was a recent article in the Journal of American Dental Association (JADA) August 2012 regarding the use of cone beam CT in dentistry.  I thought I would summarize it here as well as give a link to the article itself here.  The article was written by the Council on…
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In the News: Bitewings and Meningiomas

A few weeks ago, there was a whirlwind of media attention regarding a study published in Cancer on a correlation between bitewings and meningiomas. This study was on Good Morning America and most major news outlets.  I have the article and was planning to write a review of the study…