1 min read 5

Case of the Week: Ectopic Eruption & Internal Resorption

This week I have a fun case of 2 finds on 1 radiograph. This bitewing radiograph shows internal resorption (enlarged pulp chamber) of the maxillary left deciduous second molar and ectopic eruption of the mandibular left first premolar into the deciduous second molar.  Check it out below. 🙂 If you…
1 min read 2

Case of the week: Horizontal root fracture

This week I have a case of a horizontal root fracture that is tricky to see on the initial radiograph but when another radiograph was made at a different horizontal angle it becomes clear as night and day. Take a look below. First radiograph, check out the mesial aspect of…
1 min read 6

Case of the week: Talon cusp with clinical photo

This week I have a case of a large talon cusp on a maxillary central incisor along with a clinical photo.  A talon cusp is a hyperplasia of the cingulum of a tooth and typically classified as a variant of normal anatomy.  In the anterior, it will present as a…
1 min read 0

Case of the week: External resorption of an impacted tooth

This week is a neat case of an impacted maxillary canine with external resorption occurring on the crown.  When looking at these radiographs note that there is no longer an identifiable follicle around the crown of the tooth.  Also note that the areas where there is tooth loss of the…
1 min read 0

Case of the week: Supernumerary tooth

Case of the week is back. I know it’s been a little while but this is a fun one.  This week I have a case of a supernumerary tooth in hiding.  Well, it’s sort of in hiding.  First take a look at the pantomograph and see if you can find…