1 min read 4

Case of the week: Enamel Hypoplasia

This week I have a case of enamel hypoplasia on the maxillary central incisors.  I have no information on the history of this case and any possible causes. If you have some ideas, please feel free to share in the comments. Note the wavy radiolucent lines in the middle portion…
2 min read 2

Attenuation: Photoelectric Effect

This is the last post on attenuation methods. Photoelectric effect There are three main steps in photoelectric effect. 1. A high energy incoming x ray photon knocks out an orbital electron (diagrams show K shell electron being knocked out). The energy of the x ray photon must be equal to…
2 min read 0

App time: Film mounting practice (Apple – iPAD only)

I recently was informed of a new dental app for the iPAD called Setup My FMS. Who: It was created at the University of Toronto. What: An app for students and dental professionals to practice mounting films.  There are 5 sample sets of which you  place into the correct position…
1 min read 0

Case of the week: Mandibular Fracture

This week is a case of a single mandibular fracture.  I don’t have any history as to what caused this, just the radiograph. Note the vertical radiolucent line extending inferior from the mandibular left canine and lateral incisor region. If you  have any questions, please let me know. Thanks and…
1 min read 0

Attenuation: Compton Scatter

This post is the second method of scatter attenuation. Compton scatter (or Incoherent scatter) There are three main steps in compton scatter. 1. An incoming x ray photon interacts with an outer orbital electron. 2. The incoming x ray photon knocks the orbital electron out of it orbit (becoming a…