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Anatomy Monday: Zygomatico-temporal suture

I thought I’d have some fun with today’s anatomy by posting one that is not always visualized on pantomographs and sometimes is mistaken for a fracture when it is visualized.  The zygomatico-temporal suture is the junction of the zygomatic bone and temporal bone in the zygomatic arch.  It varies on…
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Anatomy Monday: Cervical Vertebra 1 (C1 or Atlas)

Since I showed a case of a posterior cleft of C1 last week I thought I’d follow up with some key anatomy of C1 as seen on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. These are all axial views that have been rotated as such to show the entire ring on…
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Case of the Week: Stafne Defect

This week I have CBCT views of a Stafne defect to show what the defect is – a depression on the lingual aspect of the mandible typically caused by a finger projection of the submandibular salivary gland during development. Thanks and enjoy!