As I simply described the acronym LESION a couple of weeks ago, I thought I should expand a little more on how to use it. This time I’m going to include radiographic examples over the next few weeks (6 letters = 6 weeks). Starting at the beginning is L for location. This is the WHERE. Where is the lesion or entity in question. Things you should ask yourself are; Is it in the maxilla? The anterior or posterior? Is it in the mandible? Anterior, Body, Ramus, Condyle? Which side or bilateral?
There are two ways to approach this step. The first is short and sweet. The second is more detailed. Either way is effective in describing a radiographic finding and is more of a personal preference. Below are two radiographs with both ways to describe the radiographic finding. There are arrows/a circle identifying the entity being described so that there is no question what I am describing. I will continue to use these same examples and work through each letter. (Click to enlarge image)
Short and sweet: Right body of the mandible.
Detailed: Right mandible extending from angle of the mandible to the midline.
Short and sweet: Posterior right and left (or bilateral) maxilla and mandible
Detailed: Posterior right and left maxilla specifically the molar and tuberosity regions. Posterior right and left body of the mandible specifically the molar and premolar regions.
Try taking a look at a few other radiographs and practice both ways until you find a way that works for you.