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Anatomy Monday: Nasopharyngeal air space

This week is the air space superior and lateral to the palate (on the radiograph); the nasopharyngeal air space.  It is seen as a radiolucent area superimposed over the ramus near the mandibular notch and neck of the condyle. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.…
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Anatomy Monday: Palatoglossal air space

The next three posts will be devoted to air spaces visible on pantomographs.  The first is the palatoglossal air space. The palatoglossal air space is between the palate and the tongue.  It is only visualized on a pantomograph when the patient does not place their tongue to the roof of…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Tonsiliths

This week is another CBCT case of calcifications, this time in the tonsils.  On CBCT images, these are seen on the axial views lateral to the airway and on coronal views medial to the ramus of the mandible.  They are well-defined irregular shaped radiopaque entities. They may be single or…
3 min read 0

Locate the Object: October 2013 Answer

Now onto the answers for the October 2013 Locate the Object. I will be going over both image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) to determine the location of the left lateral incisor in relation to the left central incisor. Image shift Before starting to use the image shift principle it…