Anatomy Monday: Nasopharyngeal air space

This week is the air space superior and lateral to the palate (on the radiograph); the nasopharyngeal air space.  It is seen as a radiolucent area superimposed over the ramus near the mandibular notch and neck of the condyle.

Pantomograph - nasopharygneal air space noted with yellow stars.
Pantomograph – nasopharyngeal air space noted with yellow stars.
Pantomograph - nasopharyngeal air space presenting as a radiolucent area superimposed over the neck of the condyle.
Pantomograph – nasopharyngeal air space presenting as a radiolucent area superimposed over the neck of the condyle.
Pantomograph showing the nasopharyngeal air space.
Pantomograph showing the nasopharyngeal air space.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Next week is the glossopharyngeal air space. Thanks and enjoy!