2 min read 0

Case of the week: Apical Periodontitis (Apical Rarefying Osteitis)

This week’s case is from a request to see cases of apical periodontitis and chronic apical periodontitis (coming next week).  A good definition I found of apical periodontitis is “a spectrum of diseases that occur around the tooth apex, including periapical granuloma, periapical abscess, and periapical (radicular) cyst” (Scheinfeld MH,…
3 min read 3

Article Review: CBCT (JADA August 2012)

There was a recent article in the Journal of American Dental Association (JADA) August 2012 regarding the use of cone beam CT in dentistry.  I thought I would summarize it here as well as give a link to the article itself here.  The article was written by the Council on…