2 min read 10

Anatomy on Radiographs: Pantomographs Part 2

Now onto other structures visible on a pantomograph. Midface The orbital rim (green dots) appears as a thick semi –circular radiopaque band superior to the maxillary sinuses. The pterygomaxillary fissure (blue area) appears as an inverted teardrop shaped radiolucent area with a thin radiopaque border. It is directly lateral to…
3 min read 5

Anatomy on Radiographs: Pantomographs Part 1

Ok, I am back and now onto pantomographs. Since these images are larger and will take up much more space I have decided to break them down into 2 parts.  I also will have several anatomy identified on each radiograph as well.  Here we go. Mandible *The mandibular condyle (two…
2 min read 7

Anatomy on Radiographs: Intraoral Radiographs Part 2

This is part 2 (posterior) of anatomy on intraoral radiographs. Mandible The mental foramen  appears as a round to oval radiolucent area near the apex of the second premolar. The inferior alveolar nerve canal (mandibular canal) appears as radiolucent band with two thin radiopaque lines running parallel to each other…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Blunderbuss apex

This week I wanted to show normal anatomy of a developing tooth; the blunderbuss apex.  A blunderbuss apex is an open apex of a developing tooth. It is named blunderbuss due to the similar appearance to a blunderbuss rifle.  An open or blunderbuss apex appears as pyramidal radiolucent area.  This…