2 min read 1

Attenuation: Coherent Scatter

This post is the first of three involving methods of attenuation.  The first two posts will be on types of scatter; coherent scatter and compton scatter.  The last post will be on absorption; photoelectric effect.  These are physics topics and more likely apply to students as they are learning about…
1 min read 0

Case of the week: Internal Resorption on CBCT

This weeks case is a severe example of internal resorption as seen on cone beam CT.  Internal resorption presents as enlargement of the pulp chamber and/or root canal space. Reconstructed pantomograph (Metal in left  anterior mandible is due to previous reconstruction and mandibular fracture) Cross-sectional view (Note enlarged root canal…
2 min read 1

All about attenuation of x rays

Attenuation is when the quantity of x rays is reduced by either absorption or scatter as it travels through matter.   Absorption is when x ray photons ionize atoms and transfer its energy to electrons (i.e. photoelectric effect).  Scattering is when the x ray photons are ejected out of the primary…
2 min read 2

Case of the week: Third Molar in Maxillary Sinus

This weeks case topic is an interesting finding of a maxillary third molar developing in the maxillary sinus adjacent to a supernumerary tooth on a CBCT scan.  Interpretation: This case shows a mixed radiolucent/radiopaque entity in the right maxillary sinus.  The radiopacity is that of tooth structure.  The appearance is…