Case of the Week: Resection and Extraction

This weeks case is that of a combination of a resection and partial extraction.  This case involves a third molar where the crown was resected and extracted but the roots were left in the bone.  I don’t have any history to know the exact reason as to why the roots were left, but some possible examples could be close proximity of the roots with the mandibular canal or a difficult extraction and it was chosen to leave the roots and let the bone heal around it.  There has been some research (be forewarned the article is in Chinese) suggesting that the roots may be left be in the bone but under two primary conditions: 1) less than 3 mm of root [not seen in this case].  2) no pulpal inflammation and/or necrosis.  These two recommendations showed no need for a secondary surgery to remove the retained roots.  Check out this case.
