2 min read 2

ROC curves: What are they?

I am going to give a short introduction to ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curves.  This term is frequently used in radiology research and I just wanted to give you a little information to know whether or not the ROC curve is significant or not. What is an ROC curve? An…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Resection and Extraction

This weeks case is that of a combination of a resection and partial extraction.  This case involves a third molar where the crown was resected and extracted but the roots were left in the bone.  I don’t have any history to know the exact reason as to why the roots…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Gemination

This week I have a case of some very large mandibular third molars.  The right mandibular third molar appears as if it’s two molars stuck together.  This is due to gemination or twinning.  Gemination is when a single developing tooth germ attempts to divide but is unable to completely divide…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Supernumerary tooth (Distodens)

The weeks case is a case of a supernumerary tooth in the molar region.  Supernumerary teeth are frequently identified by the region of which they are found in the patients mouth.  A supernumerary tooth in the anterior portion of a jaw is sometimes referred to as a mesiodens.  A supernumerary…
3 min read 0

Cone Beam CT: Caries Interpretation

Today I am going to give a little taste of a very hot topic currently involving cone beam CT and caries interpretation.  While this debate is strongly divided, I would like to add a few thoughts and show what current research has found. Current Research The current research is a…