Case of the Week: Radicular cyst

This week I have an example of a very large radicular cyst (sometimes referred to as a periapical cyst) that was encroaching on the maxillary sinus.  The patient presented with no symptoms during a new patient exam.  A pantomograph was made.  On the pantomograph, a well-defined ovoid radiolucent entity is seen superior to the maxillary right premolars and canine.  A periapical showed lose of bone apically to these teeth with gross decay of  the premolars.  Vitality tests showed the premolars were non-vital.  Due to the proximity and effect on the maxillary sinus a cone beam CT was ordered.  Below are the images showing the radicular cyst and it’s effect on the maxillary sinus.

CBCT images – coronal and sagittal views


For more information and other radiographs of radicular cysts check out the page on radicular cyst.
