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Case of the Week: Nasopalatine Canal Cyst

This week I have a case of a nasopalatine canal cyst.  This is also referred to as an incisive canal cyst and/or a nasopalatine duct cyst.  This case was found on a pantomograph of an edentulous patient.  The patient presented for complete dentures and was asymptomatic.  There is a well-defined…
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Case of the Week: Dentigerous cyst

This week is a case of a quite large dentigerous cyst.  A dentigerous cyst will appear radiolucent surrounding the crown of an impacted tooth.  The teeth most commonly effected are the maxillary canines and third molars (both maxilla and mandible).  A pathognomonic sign of a dentigerous cyst is that the…
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Case of the Week: Radicular cyst

This week I have an example of a very large radicular cyst (sometimes referred to as a periapical cyst) that was encroaching on the maxillary sinus.  The patient presented with no symptoms during a new patient exam.  A pantomograph was made.  On the pantomograph, a well-defined ovoid radiolucent entity is…