3 min read 0

Locate the Object: February 2015 – 1 ANSWER

Now for the answers from today’s earlier post. Which root is the post (orange arrow) in? Image shift Before starting to use the image shift principle it is important to know/remember two key points Images move in the opposite direction from the movement of the source. Images of objects farther…
1 min read 2

Locate the Object: February 2015 – 1

This month is going to be a locate the object dump of sorts. I just went over image shift with my students and thought it would be a great way to share the examples with everyone. So each day (Monday – Friday) will have a brand new example to practice…
3 min read 0

Locate the Object: October 2014 ANSWER

I did not realize that the answer to the October 2014: Locate the Object was not out so here it is, a bit late. 😐 I’ll be going over both image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal). . Image shift Before starting to use the image shift principle it is important to know/remember two key points…
1 min read 5

Locate the Object: October 2014

Here is an interesting case to practice your image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) information. The object in question is the impacted maxillary canine.   Which position (buccal or lingual) is the impacted maxillary canine in relation to the maxillary lateral incisor? Answers coming Thursday.  You can answer either in the comments, twitter (@DrGstoothpix) or wait.  If…