1 min read 7

Caries Interpretation: Root Caries Answers

Answers from yesterdays root caries practice. 1. Maxillary left first molar (#14) 2. No root caries Cervical burnout / root morphology = maxillary left second premolar (#13) distal & mandibular left canine (#22) distal 3. Mandibular right second premolar (#29) Mandibular right first premolar (#30) If you have any questions,…
1 min read 3

Caries Interpretation: Root Caries

Now this post will be fairly short as root caries are more commonly seen intraorally then on radiographs.  Larger lesions with loss of tooth structure will be evident on radiographs. Note the loss of tooth structure apical to the cemento-enamel junction of the maxillary canine. One thing to be aware…