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Case of the week: Internal Resorption on CBCT

This weeks case is a severe example of internal resorption as seen on cone beam CT.  Internal resorption presents as enlargement of the pulp chamber and/or root canal space. Reconstructed pantomograph (Metal in left  anterior mandible is due to previous reconstruction and mandibular fracture) Cross-sectional view (Note enlarged root canal…
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Case of the Week: Invasive cervical resorption

This week I am showing a case of a specific kind of external resorption (invasive cervical resorption).  This form of resorption occurs in the cervical region of a tooth.  There have been many different causes for this resorption suggested such as trauma, orthodontic movement, intracoronal bleaching, periodontal root scaling, etc. …
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Case of the Week: External resorption

This week I wanted to show a common finding on radiographs with many different causes, external resorption. Frequently external resorption is idiopathic; however it can also occur due to an inflammatory process, neoplasm or adjacent teeth.  This case is external resorption due to an impacted third molar, which had been…
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Case of the Week: Internal resorption

This week I have a case of internal resorption that is small and still possible to treat without extraction.  There is a linear radiolucent area over the root of the mandibular right central incisor (#25).  Note that the radiolucent area is continuous with the root canal.  Treatment to retain the…