3 min read 0

Locate the Object: September 2014 ANSWERS

Here is the answer for the September 2014 Locate the Object We will be going over both image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal). . Image shift Before starting to use the image shift principle it is important to know/remember two key points Images move in the opposite direction from the movement of the source. Images…
1 min read 1

Locate the Object: September 2014

And now back to our regular programming. 😛 Here’s a fun case for the month to practice your image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) information. The object in question is the supernumerary tooth (mesiodens) the white arrow is pointing to. Fun note – there is resorption of the supernumerary tooth in the coronal portion…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Mesiodens (supernumerary tooth)

This week I have a case of a single supernumerary tooth in the anterior maxilla which may also be referred to as a mesiodens due to its location.  Take a look for it first on the pantomograph (it’s a little trickier to see).  Then compare it to the anterior periapical…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Mesiodens

This week I have a fun case of two mesiodens that appear to be erupting towards the nasal cavity.  Mesiodens are supernumerary teeth (extra teeth) found in the anterior region.  Mesiodens are more common in the maxilla than the mandible.  They frequently disrupt eruption of other adjacent teeth.  This case…