2 min read 7

Anatomy on Radiographs: Intraoral Radiographs Part 2

This is part 2 (posterior) of anatomy on intraoral radiographs. Mandible The mental foramen  appears as a round to oval radiolucent area near the apex of the second premolar. The inferior alveolar nerve canal (mandibular canal) appears as radiolucent band with two thin radiopaque lines running parallel to each other…
3 min read 37

Anatomy on Radiographs: Intraoral Radiographs Part I

I am starting a new series of posts on anatomy on radiographs.  There will be two posts on intraoral radiographs (Part I – anterior and Part II – posterior), one on occlusal radiographs, one on pantomographs and lastly one on skull radiographs (primarily lateral cephalometric skull radiographs). Anatomical radiographic appearances…