2 min read 0

Case of the Week: Buccal Bifurcation Cyst on CBCT

Continuing with slowly updating the interpretation pages I thought I’d go with a case that’s not nearly as common but still a fun find.  Buccal bifurcation cyst is more uncommon and but has some very characteristic findings to help you identify it. This case is fun as it has bilateral…
1 min read 4

Case of the Week: Lateral Dentigerous Cyst (CBCT)

This week I have an interesting case of a lateral dentigerous cyst to share.  A lateral dentigerous cyst is a dentigerous cyst that is coming off the lateral aspect of a tooth.  As with a typical dentigerous cyst, you will be looking for an enlargement of the dental follicle surrounding…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Lateral Periodontal Cyst

This week is a case of a cyst most commonly found as an incidental finding on radiographs; the lateral periodontal cyst. It is most commonly found in the mandibular canine/premolar region. This case shows a well-defined ovoid radiolucent entity between the mandibular left canine and first premolar roots. If you…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Radicular / Periapical cyst

Now before I get to the actual case I want to make sure that you realize that a radicular/periapical cyst is diagnosed with a histopathological slide and not by radiographs alone.  There are certain features of a radicular/periapical cyst that may cause you to put it higher on a differential…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Lateral Periodontal Cyst

This week I have a case of a lateral periodontal cyst.  Lateral periodontal cysts typically are smaller than 1 cm.  When they are located in the mandible, they are most commonly found in the lateral incisor to premolar region.  When they are located in the maxilla, they are most commonly…