Definition: A stone in the duct of a salivary gland.
Radiographic Features:
Location: Most commonly associated with submandibular salivary gland followed by parotid salivary gland and sublingual salivary gland, respectively.
Edge: Well-defined.
Shape: Smooth to irregular mass.
Internal: Radiopaque, may have a ‘laminated’ appearance with radiopaque and radiolucent bands evident due to continued laying down of calcium salts. (This looks similar to layers of an onion.)
Other: May be visible near mandibular molar and premolar apices on periapicals, mandibular true occlusal radiograph is recommended view to determine nature of calcification.
Number: Typically single, but can be multiple.
(circle – irregular shaped masses evident in floor of mouth region)
Sialolith – right
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