Services / Pricing

Here’s how it all works

  1. Upload your case / radiographs along with any additional information / area of concern.
  2. Reports will be completed within 5 business days and emailed back through Hightail.
  3. Billing is through PayPal at the end of the month for all reports completed during that time.


CBCT Radiology Report (includes Quadrant Scans or Small Field of View)

A written radiographic report on an entire CBCT dataset including any areas of concern. A scan may be submitted without any specific area of concern for a general review. For more detailed report options and pricing please contact Dr. Gonzalez.

  • CBCT Radiology Report Cost = $85.00
  • Rush Report (completed and emailed within 2 business days) = + $50.00

2D Radiograph Report (panoramic radiographs and intraoral radiographs) 

A written radiographic report of 2D radiographs for an overall evaluation including any areas of concern.

  • 2D Radiograph Report Cost = $50.00


A limited evaluation of either a 2D radiograph or CBCT screenshot. No formal report made. If a complete written report is requested on the case. The price will not exceed the report type (see above).

  • Consultation Cost = $35.00