1 min read 3

Locate the Object: May 2014

This month I have a single case to practice your image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) information. The object in question is the extruded sealer/gutta percha near the canine root. Which surface of the canine (buccal or lingual) is it located on? Answers coming Thursday, May 15.  You can answer…
1 min read 2

Find the Caries: May 2014 ANSWERS

Here are the answers for the 4 bitewing radiographic series to practice finding the caries. Maxillary right third molar (#1) – occlusal Maxillary right first molar (#3) – mesial Maxillary right second premolar (#4) – distal Mandibular left third molar (#17) – occlusal Mandibular right third molar (#32) – occlusal…
1 min read 0

Find the Caries: May 2014

Here is a 4 bitewing radiographic series to practice finding the caries for May. For a review you can find the caries interpretation posts (here, here, here and here). If you have any questions or answers, please leave them below. Answers coming on Thursday. Thanks and enjoy!