1 min read 1

Locate the Object: July 2014 (a)

And now the first case for this month to practice your image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) information. The object in question is the round amalgam restoration on the maxillary right first molar (#3). Which surface (buccal or lingual) is the amalgam restoration on? Answers coming Thursday.  You can answer…
1 min read 0

Find the Caries: July 2014 (a) ANSWERS

Here are the answers for the 4 bitewing radiographic series from Tuesday. Maxillary right second molar (#2) – occlusal Maxillary right first molar (#3) – occlusal, distal, mesial Maxillary right second premolar (#4) – distal Maxillary left second premolar (#13) – distal Maxillary left first molar (#14) – mesial, occlusal,…
1 min read 3

Find the Caries: July 2014 (a)

Being that this month is special in having 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays this month I’ve decided to have 3 find the caries weeks (weeks 1, 3, 5) and 2 locate the object weeks (weeks 2, 4).  So onto the first find the caries. Here is a 4 bitewing radiographic series.…