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Case of the Week: Ectopic eruption

This week I have an interesting case of ectopic eruption.  Ectopic eruption is when a tooth erupts into an abnormal location (frequently into another tooth).  This case involved two mandibular premolars.  Due to the positioning of the crowns, there was extensive decay as the patient was unable to clean the…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Abrasion

This week I have a case of toothpick abrasion.  This case was from the patient holding a toothpick between their premolars for large portions of the day. Note the notching between the two maxillary premolars.  I don’t have a time frame of how long this has been going on.  And…
1 min read 1

Case of the Week: External resorption

This week I wanted to show a common finding on radiographs with many different causes, external resorption. Frequently external resorption is idiopathic; however it can also occur due to an inflammatory process, neoplasm or adjacent teeth.  This case is external resorption due to an impacted third molar, which had been…
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Case of the Week: Pulp stone

This week I have a case of a pulp stone in the root canal space of a maxillary canine.  Pulp stones are incidental findings and do not need treatment.  This case is slightly enlarging the shape of the root canal.  Pulp stones present as a radiopaque entity in either the…
1 min read 0

Case of the Week: Mucous retention pseudocyst

This week I have a case of a mucous retention pseudocyst on a pantomograph.  Mucous retention pseudocysts are incidental findings that do not require treatment.  This can occur on any surface of the sinus but is most commonly seen on the floor.  Note the rounded radiopaque dome in the left…