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Lateral Cephalometric Skull Anatomy – Part IV

This post will be all about the maxilla. Anterior nasal spine (yellow arrow) – anterior-most point where right and left maxilla meet on the midline forming a protruding bone spicule. A point (white arrow) – the deepest point between the anterior nasal spine and prosthion. Prosthion (yellow dotted arrow) –…
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Anatomy Monday: Epiglottis (soft tissue)

This week I wanted to show off something not commonly looked at or for on pantomographs; the epiglottis. The epiglottis will appear near the inferior aspect of the radiograph as a curved radiopaque entity. It may be superimposed over the hyoid or inferior border of the mandible.  If the airway…
1 min read 2

Case of the week: Horizontal root fracture

This week I have a case of a horizontal root fracture that is tricky to see on the initial radiograph but when another radiograph was made at a different horizontal angle it becomes clear as night and day. Take a look below. First radiograph, check out the mesial aspect of…
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Lateral Cephalometric Skull Anatomy – Part III

Now onto the temporal region. Zygomatic Arch (green area) – Made up by the zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of the temporal bone. Mandibular Notch (blue line) – Notch between the condyle and coronoid process of the mandible. Posterior margin of the ramus (white line) – Just as the name…
1 min read 8

Lateral Cephalometric Skull Anatomy – Part II

Onto part 2 of lateral cephalometric skull anatomy frequently used in orthodontics. Again identified on a dry skull first followed by the radiograph. Orbitale (black star) – The lowest point of the orbital margin (also the anterior point for the Frankfort horizontal plane). Key ridge (green heart) – The inferior…