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Case of the Week: Mandibular Tori

This week is a more common radiographic finding; mandibular tori. This case is bilateral and dense mandibular tori.  It’s pretty obvious so I’m just going to let you take a look for yourself. 🙂 And here’s another educational video from Dental Class of 2015 students Paul Favela and Ben Winston.…
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Educational Video: Enamel Pearls

My case library is lacking in this category so just a video and no extra fun cases. 🙁  Video made by Dental Class of 2015 students Rachel Petska and Steph Ebke. If you have any cases of enamel pearls you’d like to share, please send them my way. Thanks and…
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Anatomy Monday: Mandibular Canal

This week and month is going to be canals and ducts visible on intraoral and extraoral radiographs. I’m starting with a canal frequently sought out specifically for implants and extractions; the mandibular canal.  The mandibular canal is visible on both intraoral radiographs and extraoral radiographs. It presents as a radiolucent…
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Educational Video: Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome

Being I don’t have any cases to show with this very interesting syndrome just yet 🙁 I’d still like to share this educational video made by Dental Class of 2015 student Lindsey Mikkelsen and Jake Zitterkopf. If anyone has any cases they’d like to share, please let me know. Thanks…
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Case of the Week: Gemination

This week is a fun case of bilateral gemination.  Gemination presents as an abnormally large tooth where the overall arch count is still 16 (not to be confused with fusion which reduces the arch count to 15).  This case shows gemination bilaterally associated with the mandibular third molars. Here is…