1 min read 3

Find the Caries: July 2014 (a)

Being that this month is special in having 5 Tuesdays and Thursdays this month I’ve decided to have 3 find the caries weeks (weeks 1, 3, 5) and 2 locate the object weeks (weeks 2, 4).  So onto the first find the caries. Here is a 4 bitewing radiographic series.…
1 min read 2

Case of the Week: Synovial Chondromatosis

This week is another case and educational video (made by UNMC College of Dentistry Class of 2016 Dental Students). Synovial chondromatosis is uncommon but here is a bilateral case seen on a pantomograph. Note the multiple radiopaque entities anterior to the condyles. Now for more goodies about this entity with…
2 min read 0

Locate the Object: June 2014 (b) ANSWER

Here is the answer for the June 2014 (b) Locate the Object. I will be going over both image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal). . Image shift Before starting to use the image shift principle it is important to know/remember two key points Images move in the opposite direction from…
1 min read 3

Locate the Object: June 2014 (b)

And now the second case for this month to practice your image shift and SLOB (Same-Lingual, Opposite-Buccal) information. (You can find the first case HERE if you missed it). The object in question is the left central incisor. Where (buccal or lingual) is the central incisor in relation to the…