rarefying osteitis

Case of the week: Chronic Apical Periodontitis 4

This week is a follow up to last week with a case of chronic apical periodontitis.  The primary difference of chronic apical periodontitis versus acute apical periodontitis is the presence of sclerotic bone formation.  This sclerotic bone formation (sometimes referred to as sclerosing osteitis) may present in one of three […]

Case of the week: Apical Periodontitis (Apical Rarefying Osteitis)

This week’s case is from a request to see cases of apical periodontitis and chronic apical periodontitis (coming next week).  A good definition I found of apical periodontitis is “a spectrum of diseases that occur around the tooth apex, including periapical granuloma, periapical abscess, and periapical (radicular) cyst” (Scheinfeld MH, […]

Case of the Week: Rarefying osteitis (abscess, cyst and/or granuloma) 3

This week I am going to show several examples of rarefying osteitis (sometimes referred to as apical rarefying osteitis when positioned at the apex).  Rarefying osteitis is a term that means ‘loss of bone due to inflammation’. I use this term when describing a radiolucent area at the apex of […]